Erynn Shoemaker

Erynn Shoemaker

March 19, 2012

First Blog

So we are supposed to write a blog for our Art & Creativity class, but I’ve never done this before. I have always wanted to try it but never really knew what to write about. I guess the best way to go about this is to write about what I know best… ME!! That’s right this blog is going to be all about your truly and all of the things that make me who I am.

I’m a small town farm girl from central Alberta, now living in what I consider to be probably the best city in Canada, Vancouver. I absolutely hated high school but now that I have moved on to bigger and better things, like attending Vancouver Film School, I feel like things couldn’t get any better. I played Roller Derby for a year back in alberta and fell in love with the sport! But since iv'e moved to Vancouver haven't been able to play, which is heart breaking, so as soon as i am able to, i'm going to try out for Terminal City Roller Girls. I like to cook and actually just about became a chef. I love the beach and the ocean. When its rainy out watching a movie on the couch with a blanket and a hot drink is the best thing. I love my family and friends and to party and go clubbing with them whenever i can. I want to spend lots of time traveling and trying new things. Finally i think the thing i love the most is humor. I love reading things that are funny, watching comedies and when things are sad try and make things better with humor.

Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not; a sense of humor to console  him for what he is.
-Francis Bacon

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